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» Tours Extension...

This option provides a great escape away from busy Siem Reap downtown, biking through the countryside to see the authentic freshness and greenery of Siem Reap. You will be welcomed by super friendly villagers and a different atmosphere as well as experiences, undisturbed by the crowds. You will be able to learn about Cambodian culture, interact with local people and see many aspects of rural village life, including unique housing structures, kids and schools, Buddhist monastery and cultural history, especially the tranquil daily activities of the villagers....

This option provides a great escape away from busy Siem Reap downtown by biking through the countryside to see the authentic freshness and greenery of Siem Reap province. You will be welcomed by super friendly villagers and a different atmosphere as well as experiences, undisturbed by the crowds. You will be able to learn about Cambodian culture, interact with local people and see many aspects of rural village life, including unique housing structures, kids and schools, Buddhist monastery and cultural history, especially the tranquil daily activities of the villagers....
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» Similar Tours...

Deep in the forests of Cambodia’s Siem Reap province, the elegant spires of an ancient stone city soar skyward above the sprawling complex of Angkor Archaeological Park. Angkor served as the capital of the Khmer Empire (9th - 15th centuries), which ruled the region at the time. While there are over 100 stone temples; there are 6 most impressive ones that are the definite must-sees. Those include: Angkor Wat (the one appears on Cambodia national flag), Bayon, Preah Khan, Tanei, Taprom and Prasat Chrung....

Catching the view of sunrise at Angkor Wat is an impeccable discovery of the natural beauty with a scene filled with mysterious shadows due to its amazing unrivaled architecture. As the crowds thin along with the early morning haze, stroll through the temple's complex chambers and learn the site's fascinating history is truly unforgettable. Continue the ride towards 5 most impressive temples: Bayon - Preah Khan - Tanei - Taprom - Prasat Chrung. Last but not least, a pedal through the green rainforest- a stunning untouristed jungle site....
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